What Type of Pool Heater Should I Get?
Posted 09.23.14 at 1:30 pm no comments leave a comment

Buying a home with a swimming pool or having a swimming pool installed at your home is an added luxury as well as an added expense. Pool maintenance in Dallas, including pool cleaning, pool repair and pool upgrades, require a lot of time and can be expensive. Whether you maintain your pool yourself or you have a Dallas pool service company handle it, you still have the expenses of running your pool filtration system, cleaning system and lighting. If you also have a spa or you like to enjoy the luxury of pool ownership even during the cooler months, swimming pool heaters cost a significant amount to heat up your swimming pool and maintain a warm temperature. Whether you own a pool that was installed many years ago, was recently installed within the last few years or plan to have a brand-new swimming pool installed in the near future, you should consider your pool heater options.
Gas Swimming Pool Heaters
Although there have been other newer technologies in swimming pool heating, gas pool heaters are still a very popular heating option. Gas pool heaters are fueled by natural gas or propane; the newer heater technology has made gas heaters more efficient than ever before. A gas pool heater works with your pool pump; as it circulates the pool water through a copper finned heat exchanger, flames from the burner heat the air in the combustion chamber which warms the pool water as it flows through the multiple copper tube piping. Gas pool heaters heat pool water very quickly, and they are the most efficient when used during short intervals. Overall, they are a practical option for pools that are not used on a regular basis during the cooler months of the year.
Heat Pump Pool Heaters
Heat pump technology is used for heating more than just pools, but they do not generate heat the same as gas heaters; they use electricity to move heat around. For pool heating, as the pool pump circulates the water, it is pushed through the heat pump, then the compressor creates a hot gas that flows through the condenser and is circulated through the heater, and finally the heated water is released back into the pool. Some things to consider about heat pump pool heaters is that they require a minimum temperature of 50 degrees to be able to operate, they are also slower at heating the water than gas or solar heaters, and they typically take several days to heat up an average sized in-ground pool.
Both gas pool heaters and heat pump pool heaters have their own advantages and disadvantages, but both should be considered to help you determine which pool heater is best for you and how you use your swimming pool. An added bonus about gas pool heaters is that they can achieve and maintain the desired temperature you want no matter how cold it may get, while heat pump pool heaters require a minimum outdoor and water temperature. As for heat pump pool heaters, they may cost more upfront and to have them installed, but they last much longer than gas heaters and are more efficient so they cost must less in energy costs to operate. If you want a pool heater installed, don’t stress yourself too much with the question “what type of pool heater should I get”, let your Dallas area pool service experts help you make the most educated decision that you will be happy with year after year.