Halloween Pool Party Games
Posted 10.28.14 at 10:30 am no comments leave a comment

With the warm weather, unlike the in the northern areas, Halloween parties in Dallas allow many different and fun activities further than just trick-or-treating for candy, haunted houses and spooking the children with witches and goblins. If you are planning a Halloween party or going to a kid’s Halloween party where the pool is still open and clean, there are some cool and exciting Halloween pool party games that will add to the fun and fright. As your Dallas swimming pool cleaning and maintenance company, A Better Pool Service also recommends that your pool be well maintained prior to having pool party games this Halloween!
Check out these hit Halloween pool party games perfect your “little children” (spooky voice) this year.
- Swimming Pool Themed Costumes and Costume Contest – If you decide to base your Halloween party around the a pool party theme due the great weather we have here in Dallas, then make a contest out of it. Your little party goers can get creative and choose and create their costume based on swimming. From gold winning Olympian swimmers to diving, lifesaving movie star life guards to mermaid and merman characters from their favorite movies; there are many comic book heroes like Aqua Man that would take any swimming pool Halloween party costume contest. Even if your guests want to dress up in their regular Halloween costumes, just let them know that the pool is open for play and to bring their swimming suits so they will be ready for the other games you have planned.
- Pumpkin Diving – As a popular and thrilling Halloween pool party game, pumpkin diving is great for kids of all ages. Pick us as many pumpkins as your swimming pool can handle and place them all around your pool. You can make it simple with a small group by just making the winner the one that collects the most pumpkins. For larger groups, you can number the pumpkins with a permanent marker and separate the party into groups; each group that collects their numbered pumpkins first is the group that wins! No matter how you plan the game, pumpkin diving will quickly become an exciting event at your Halloween pool party.
- Halloween Pool Hunt – Similar to the traditional Easter egg hunt, place colored eggs stuffed with small prizes scattered around your pool and let the kids go Halloween egg hunting. Another way to add some spook to your Halloween pool party games is to use plastic eye balls instead of eggs. The winners that collect the most eggs are the ones that win the prize of the game. However you plan it, the kids will have a blast.
If you’re throwing a Halloween party for kids this year and your Dallas swimming pool maintenance is kept up, make the most of the warm weather we have this season. Change it up this year with a Halloween pool party, and by adding some games to the mix your kid’s party will be a hit with a dash of spook this year. We also have some great ideas for Halloween swimming pool decorations!